Thursday, August 7, 2014

Justin Bieber's "Baby" Scares Off Bear, Saves Man's Life

A Russian man found this out when he was pounced by a brown bear during a visit to a local fishing spot. According to Igor Vorozhbitsyn, he was spared by his attacker when Bieber's "Baby" started to play on his cellphone, which scared the animal into retreating back into the forest.

"I had parked my car and was walking towards the spot I'd marked out when there was a tremendous impact on my back and the bear was on top of me," the-42-year-old told Central European News.

Vorozhbitsyn suffered cuts and bruises around his face and chest during the attack, but his life was ultimately saved to the sound of someone crooning, "baby, baby, baby, oh" from his pocket. (I'm guessing Russia is a little behind on Biebs' discography.)

"I couldn’t believe my luck when the phone went off and he fled," Vorozhbitsyn continued. "I know that sort of ringtone isn’t to everyone's taste, but my granddaughter loaded it onto my phone for a joke."

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